
Jul 30, 20181 min


With an easy day ahead of us, we feasted on continental breakfast muffins and coffee from foam cups. But the 25 odd miles turned into an intense series of hill-repeats, squishy dirt roads and chasing dogs. We abandoned our plan of avoiding highway 115 and tolerated the fast trucks and vacation RVs.

Una delle tantissime discese nelle strade bianche (più appropriatamete dette strade "sporche", dirt roads, in inglese) del tragitto odierno. In generale le salite sono state molte di più, o queste è quello che suggeriscono le nostre gambe.

We rolled in to Cadillac in the afternoon with frazzled nerves, jelly legs, and sunburned thighs (Anna at least, Jay is bronzed).

Tre compagni di viaggio: Myrtle, Cletus, e Steller. Hanno corso al nostro fianco e poi sono rimasti a curiosare.

We checked in at the Cadillac Inn and headed out for a short bike ride with sore muscles to the city. Had great pizza with goat cheese, garlic and mushrooms, and a hamburger with sweet potato fries. We had to doggy bag the pizza as it was too much food. We also tried the very good IPA from the local brewery, of course!

All'ombra dell'acero, un momento di riposo sulle note di Gershwin. Cadillac, MI.

Slept like babes, happy and hydrated.


Mesick - Cadillac. 25 miles (40 Km) with infinite hills and squishy sandy dirt roads.


Not much, a bit too concentrated on biking pain...

Chimney Swift - Chaetura pelagica

Rose-breasted Grosbeak - Pheucticus ludovicianus: beautiful!