Since we are in a climate crisis that is often mentioned, but that we are not doing enough to counter the facts, I feel compelled to talk about my experience as a researcher and passionate about nature. As for the Tagliamento River, an impossible point to avoid is the discussion around the inclusion of the Tagliamento in the UNESCO list, which has aroused a lot of interest, in particular thanks to the petition that you can sign at this link: http: // chng. it / hyMjjXpLCV
In a separate post I would like to discuss the difference between "man and biosphere" and "natural heritage" sites, for now I will just tell you how my first attempt (!) at science-communication went :)
I participated in the discussion regarding the proposal to add the Tagliamento to the list of UNESCO sites with an article published in the local periodical IlFriuli: The Tagliamento: a free-flowing river with which we can co-exist. The article talks about the reasons why the Tagliamento River deserves to be protected, but not only. I try to explain why there is no dichotomy between saving the river and saving the local populations: defending the river and the people who live there are two sides of the same coin.
My article aroused interest, and I had the opportunity to talk about the Tagliamento river and its scientific importance on an international scale, with a short video on facebook. My contribution can be found at this link.
Thanks to these two experiences, I realized that I have to improve a lot to be able to communicate adequately. For example, I tried again to talk about nature in this recent video.