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Giving our butts a rest

The hexagonal house is full of surprises. The house itself is spacious with lots of nooks filled with memorables, you can really see who lives there and how they enjoy their life. A large wrap-around porch was a perfecting welcoming area, complete with shade cloth, river rocks and lots of lounging space.

Dettaglio di una decorazione del portico di legno.

Dettaglio di una decorazione del portico di legno.

The lawn outside, the birds coming to chirp so close you fear they are inside the room, the 11 cats gently sneaking out to cuddle with you when you think you are alone, the 2 doggies, and 2 beautiful horses.

Books bring you close to the journey of the owners, with such a diverse set of interests and travelling surprises. Sometimes we feel as if time did not pass - or in my (Anna's) case, as I had met Justin before.

Una delle panoramiche dal porticato esagonale, con i cavalli sullo sfondo e i nostri destrieri parcheggiati a fianco del veicolo di Justin.

Una delle panoramiche dal porticato esagonale, con i cavalli sullo sfondo e i nostri destrieri parcheggiati a fianco del veicolo di Justin.

We were lucky to have Justin to show us some local water gems. We paddled up the Flat and Lacrosse rivers in search of birds and tranquil places in general. Both creeks are wood strewn and we scraped and paddled our way upstream until hunger and weather helped turn us back downstream.

Pronti per la partenza per la nostra gita in canoa, la prima volta per me! Abbiamo risalito parte dei fiumi Flat e Lacrosse.

During the canoing trip we had a few stops to drink and to shelter ourselves from the heavy rain. Forecast had said "30% possibility at 20h" as a maximum but we managed 100% most of the time! I was surprised at how tippy the 3 of us were in the canoe, relative to the kayaks I have paddled before.

Io sono rimasta seduta in centro, sulla seduta di legno (abilmente aggiunta da Justin prima di una delle sue avventure), e ho fatto da spettatore mentre Jay e Justin pagaiavano. Ci siamo dovuti fermare un paio di volte causa pioggia, ma devo dire che l'effetto delle gocce di pioggia battente sul fiume, visto dalla canoa, è favoloso.

Today's summary is easy: no biking, and cool (and tough) birding from the canooe!

I carinissimi beccofrosoni dei cedri: sono ovunque!


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